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You are an empowered woman!

lesson 2: The 3 pillars of progress

Before we dive into the 3 Pillars of Progress, I want to revisit and finish up the Wheel of Life (Pyramid of Mastery) we talked about last week. Just a reminder, the 7 areas in the wheel are Physical Body, Emotions and Meaning, Relationships, Time, Work/Career/Mission, Finances and Celebrate and Contribute (Spiritual Sense). 


Last week we took a look at where we were in each area and we also looked at some action items that we can take to enhance where we are in each element of the pyramid. Once again, please remember that these action items are NOT to be done all at once. This week we are going to pick an element or two from the 7 to work on. Once we narrow down the element (please keep in mind the hierarchy and what we talked about last week) then we are going to implement them into our micro goals. In the homework section, you will see a template in your homework to help you combine the pyramid with your micro goals to help you with your planning this week and onwards. 


Now, onto The 3 Pillars of Progress/Success. 


First, let me paint a picture for you and see if you can resonate......


You wake up one morning, something has motivated you to make a huge change in your life. You feel determined to crush some goals and want to make some major changes in your life. You take out your pen and paper, write down your goals and are 100 % committed to change. Let`s say that change is to be a healthier you. You write down your goal on your paper, stick in on the fridge (doing all the right things), you go get groceries, you throw out all your junk food and you get totally ready for this change. You are giddy with excitement and are pumped about your new goal. 


Day 1 comes, you CRUSH it. Day 2, you CRUSH IT again, fast forward to the end of the week, you are tired, you are questioning why you started this goal, you start making excuses and before you know it, you are right back to where you were.


Sound familiar?


So many of us face this and we chop it all up to motivation. Hopefully the 3 Pillars will help you to get out of this rut and get into crushing your goals CONSISTENTLY.


One thing I want you to keep in mind is that everyone has goals whether they realize it or not. Some might be to get through their lazy day, some might be to be the best mom or some might be to change the world, lose weight, make money, etc. BUT, the thing is, if you don`t consciously select your goals, you will get caught up in the mundane norms and your goals will be based on those around you.


Conditioning at its finest. 


So, if setting goals is the first step and achieving our goals means keeping that momentum going, how do we do it?


Well that is done through the 3 pillars of lasting change. This is where we stop dabbling in our goals and start mastering them because bottom line is, the people who succeed are the ones who master, not dabble. Oh and in case you forgot, we aren`t here to dabble, we are here to master all those goals. 





The 3 pillars include:


1.) Get Laser-Focused. Make it clear and compelling what the results are you want to achieve. Good news is, we already have this done. Now, while we are doing this exercise if you want to add something to your goals or modify them, let me know and we can make the change. 


2.) Get the best tools/Map/Strategy: This is the stage we are in right now. We are creating your strategy, we are looking at where you want to go, we examining our pyramid to see what changes we need to make and we are solidifying the steps we need to make. 


3.) Get into action: This includes unlocking and unleashing alignment. Sometimes the tools are not enough and we need to see what is blocking us. This is our next step of action. THIS, is where we find why we cannot follow through our goals, this is the missing link to why you might not have been successful in the past. By understanding YOUR personal blueprint, we can unlock the subconscious mind and see why we have not been able to achieve our goals and what is holding us back. 


Once we master all 3, this is how we create lasting change. THIS is out we create fulfillment and clear us of our old patterns that might be holding us back. 


Your second part of your homework will help pinpoint some of these blocks and help you release and overcome the reasons why you might not have been successful in the past. If you are failing to get what you want then you have inner conflict and we need to understand WHY this conflict is present and HOW to overcome it. We are not defined by the story of our life, need to break the pattern and RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.


Here is a quick visual to help breakdown the 3 Pillars......






















You might have made a connection to the 3 Pillars and our 6 basic human needs and you might be thinking, "Are these connected?" The answer is YES! On our one-on-one calls we are going to look at our top 2 basic human needs, look at our 3 pillars and see what changes we need to make, get rid of our conflicting patterns and get in alignment to ensure we are reaching our goals. By understanding and using our basic human needs for us not against us and pinpointing our inner conflicts, we can create alignment and reach the goals we want to achieve.  


"80 percent is your psychology, 20% mechanics!"

BUT, before we get there we have some homework to do. 



what are the 3  pillars?

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"Believe in your future self."

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