A Business Without a Solid Mindset...
is Just an Idea
If you are sick and tired of your inner mean girl running the show, this mini-course is for YOU!
It's time to finally break up with her 'cause she is holding you back from growing your business and stepping into your true potential
Limiting Beliefs​
We talk about what they are, how they hold you back, and how to create a new set of beliefs that create an unstoppable mindset
The Ego​
Oh, the stories we tell ourselves. We learn all about the brain and how it sets us up for safety. I teach you how to work WITH it so you get rid of the self sabotage
The #1 thing that holds entrepreneurs back is fear. I teach you all the tricks on how to face your fear and finally take action​
Ready to finally get your gifts out in the world, show up confidently, and be your unique, authentic self? Thought you would say yes. I got you covered.
Red Light / Green Light​
We get clear on what is stopping you from growing your business and double down on success habits that will help you grow and scale your business​
Mindset is THE key to growing and scaling your business. You can have ALL the skills, knowledge, and tools, but if you don't have a mindset that matches, you will stay stuck, play it small, feel like an imposter and never reach your true potential.
I want to give you the tools to create an unstoppable mindset and ditch that inner mean girl so you can get your gifts out into the world and finally grow your business and make an impact.
Can you resonate with any of the following beliefs or thoughts?​
Things need to be perfect and I need to know ALL the steps to start
I don’t have what it takes
Other people are doing it better or can do it better than me
I don’t have something that people could use or would buy
I am not good at social media​
I don't have the resources to grow my business
I don’t have what it takes
I am not worthy enough to start and grow a business
I will never be able to make money
I am afraid I will fail
People will think my ideas are stupid
People will think my ideas are stupid
Who do I think I am?
Insert any other limiting thought here .........
If you answered YES to any of these....this course is for YOU and can help you break free of these pesky thoughts and beliefs and FINALLY step into that untapped potential and grow your business...
A 5 Lesson Self - Paced Course
Audio trainings for each lesson
Homework for each lesson to solidify the skills learned
Lifetime access to the course materials
Working with Gina and learning the mindset tools she teaches has changed my life in every aspect. It has allowed me to have that go-getter attitude and not let self doubt creep in so I can grow my business and get my gifts out into the world.
The app makes learning and implementing these tools easy peasy as everything you need is just a click away. You can listen to the audio trainings while driving, while doing the dishes, on your walk, or even from the comfort of your couch.
You are sick and tired of listening to your mean girl who plants seeds of doubt, lack of confidence, and leaves you feeling unworthy of the things on your heart
You suffer from imposter syndrome and it is stalling your business
You want to finally just be who you are and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks
You are ready to stop wasting time and start living your truest potential
You want to feel better about yourself and start living according to what YOU want, not what you "should" want
You are ready to take your business to next the level
Feel empowered
Want to get your gifts out into the world
Want to grow and scale your business and leave an impact
Feel confident and ready to go after the things you want
Face your fears and be unstoppable
Feel empowered
Get your gifts out into the world
Grow and scale your business and leave an impact
Feel confident and ready to go after the things you want
Face your fears and be unstoppable
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
- Lao-Tze
With 15 years experience as a class-room teacher and administrator, certified Life Coach, and now Business & Mindset mentor, if there is one thing I know, it is that mindset is the key to any business.
"You show me your daily habits and thoughts.... I can show you your future."
I have been trained by and have learned from the best...Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, Laura Belgray, Chalene Johnson, etc, and I take my learning and teaching very seriously. The common pattern to success? It always comes down to mindset.
Business & mindset mentor
It is my passion to share my knowledge and help others change their lives and transform their business, and the first and most important step is to create an unstoppable mindset.
I have seen way too many people lose sight of their dreams and let their talents go unnoticed because they didn't believe in themselves, they lacked the confidence, let fear get in the way and lived in the imposter syndrome world.
It doesn't have to be that way, my friend.
This stuff works! These very tools have transformed my life and I want YOU to have the tools to do the same.
I will say it again....
How long is this program?You have access to the curriculum for life and 3 months inside the Business Circle to help you implement, scale and grow.
How do I know if this is for me?If you are an entrepreneurial woman who has big goals on her heart but also is craving freedom and balance for the things she loves, this is for you. The curriculum is designed to help you create a solid base, create a simple strategy, fine tune your offers, and the bonuses will help you grow in the online space. But we have people who join just for the mindset, strategy, habits and community. There is really nothing else like this out there.
What if I can't make the live calls?Not to worry, there is a replay after every call + workshop PLUS a library of previous trainings you can binge. AND, the private podcast makes listening super easy.
Do I need to be making a certain amount to join?No way. One of my specialities is taking you from where you are at, and helping you to where you want to be. We have a wide range of incomes and businesses in this group ranging from million dollar businesses to newly started.
Since working with Gina and learning tools about creating an unstoppable mindset. I've set and achieved goals, I have become more organized, I've improved my time management, I feel better about myself, and things continue to improve.
You too can live the life you've always wanted with the influence of Gina Keeping as your coach. She is genuine, honest, educated, funny, knowledgeable, and a lady who enters your life and changes it for the better. Gina has a heart of gold and I feel grateful that she came into my life."