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say yes to you

Module 3 - Lesson 3


Learning Goal:


  • You’ll learn to change your mood in an instant and put yourself in a state of happiness.


  • You will also learn how to use the 6 Human Needs to your advantage and learn how to ensure your behaviours are serving you not harming you.


Part 1:


What if you could change your mood in an instant and put yourself in a state of happiness?


What if I told you it was possible and is actually quite easy to do?


How do you do it? How do you make that change?


  • Change your state. What does this mean? A state can be fear, courage, aggressive. By pretending and acting in a different state you are making a chain reaction of changes.

  • Make a radical change in your body. Go for a run, a sprint, etc. This changes your biochemistry which therefore changes your mood or otherwise known as your state.

  • Once you make a physical change your mood changes.


Take a quick peek at this video by Tony Robbins who quickly explains how to do this.

















The key, TRAIN YOUR BODY!!!!!


Once you learn how to train your body to do this, to not stay in a state that does not serve you, it will become easier, natural and eventually an automatic reaction.


I encourage you to practice this and allow yourself to:


  1. Recognize the emotion you are feeling.

  2. Use the 30 second rule (or longer if you need to) to feel the emotion and acknowledge it.

  3. Change your state by changing your physiology.

  4. Practice, Repeat!



Part 2:



Let's take another look at those 6 human needs.


If you haven`t done your quiz yet, get er done.


Take some time to review the Six Human Needs and make sure you know what your top two needs are.


The Six Human Needs are not desires or wants. They are psychological “needs” that we constantly work to satisfy on a mostly unconscious level of awareness. These Six Human Needs are the factors that influence your deepest motivations and effectively determine how you go about prioritizing your decisions and actions throughout your life. In fact, every single day of your life you are unconsciously striving to meet these “needs” with varied success and you may be totally unaware of it.


Your daily habits, your addictions and your emotions you feel are all linked towards your six humans needs and the instinctual consciousness to meet these needs. The other part of this equation is that our needs are motivated by two things, pain and pleasure. So, we are meeting our needs in one of these categories.



Homework this week, it is a two part task​



Our next step is to take a look at our behaviours, recognize what need we are meeting by our specific behaviours, identify whether this need is being met by pain or pleasure. If we can narrow it down to this we can then modify our behaviours to meet our human needs in a positive fashion.



To put it in simpler terms, my top human need is love and connection. I can meet these needs in two different ways.



1.)I can meet this need by being in a loving, committed, happy marriage in which we reciprocate love in appropriate ways, we communicate in a healthy manner and we spend time together being in love.




2.) I could meet this need by playing up sickness and getting love from those around me. At an early age we learn that we can gain sympathy every time we fall down with hugs and kisses. If we adopted this in our adulthood, being sick and getting love through playing up our sickness.


Both of the above meet the human need of love and connection BUT one is serving and the other is not. The first example, the human need is being met in a positive way, for pleasure. The second example, the human need is being met but through pain. Obviously, one of these behaviours is serving me while the other is not.



Once we can identify that a behaviour is not necessarily serving you, you can focus on change and replace it with one that is healthy and serving.



Our homework this week is all about being self aware and identifying our behaviours and learning how to replace them to meet our human needs.


Once we have this skill mastered, we have a new tool in tool kit to attack behaviours that might not be serving us and replacing them with behaviours that not only serve us but are empowering and add to our lives. 

"Accepting where you are is how you will get to where you want to be!"

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