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Say Yes To YOU!


"The future depends on what we do in the present."

Lesson Selection - TYOY

This lesson, we begin by learning which of our 6 human needs we value the most and learn more about each need and how to balance our life and ensure we are meeting all of our needs in a positive and effective way.


As we discussed in a prior lesson, we will be taking a closer look at our 6 basic human needs. We will be identifying what our top two needs are and take note on how we are meeting these needs. We will also discover new ways to meet those needs after analyzing exactly where we fall.

Creating a life by design. This week we are going to focus on the concept of what you see and dream of, you see more of. We are going get our mind straight on EXACTLY where we want to be a year from now and we are going to zero in on our mindset and make sure it is working for us not against us. 

  • You’ll learn to change your mood in an instant and put yourself in a state of happiness.


  • You will also learn how to use the 6 Human Needs to your advantage and learn how to ensure your behaviours are serving you not harming you.

This lesson will be centred all around setting up your individualized plan on what works for you using some key standards for success. We will take a look at daily implementations that are suggested that will aid you in moving forward and being the best version of you possible.

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