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You are an empowered woman!

lesson 3: The dicken`s process

This week, we are going to be taking a look at what came up with your homework last week in regards to your inner conflicts. Once we have your inner conflicts established, we are going to be using the Dicken`s Process to address them, change them and challenge them. 


Take a peak back through your notes and homework from last week and see what came up. Were you able to identify some of your inner conflicts? Do you need help finding them? How did you feel when you identified them? We are going take a few minutes on the call to chat about your individual inner conflicts and see where you stand. 





The Dickens Process is a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique and a process of transformation popularised by Tony Robbin’s seminars and highlighted in Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans book. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is basically an approach to personal development and communication.


The Dickens Process is based on a character  named Scrooge from Charles Dickens’ novel “A Christmas Carol”. Mr.Scrooge, who meets a ghost on Christmas morning, is shown his past, present and future. He sees how his future could be if he doesn’t change his current bad behaviour, limiting beliefs and address his inner conflicts. After seeing his potential future, this causes so much pain for Scrooge that he decides to address his inner conflicts, address his limiting beliefs and change his life forever.


The process uses the conscious mind in order to make you visualize possible future paths and attached real feelings to the process. Picture this, you are standing in front of a pathway, you have two options, one with the left side leading to one direction (the way you are currently traveling in which you don’t change a current bad behaviour such as smoking, binge eating, not feeling you are enough, etc). The right side leads to the future YOU if you would change your current bad behaviour. If you change your limiting beliefs. If you challenged your inner dialogue.


The right path shows you how your life will change positively for you, affecting all other people around you. For example, think about your current behaviours that you want to change. This could be smoking, thinking you are not good enough, thinking you don't deserve love, not working out, drinking too much alcohol or not taking care of what you eat or how you treat the people around you.


“In the Dickens Process, you are forced to examine limiting beliefs in your life”


This week we are going to examine our inner conflicts and attach feelings to those behaviours. By taking a step into the future, using visualization and attaching meaning to our actions, we can trigger the conscious and subconscious to act differently. When we attach feelings, the desired behaviour we want to change becomes easier.


So, how do we ensure we take the right fork in the road? Remember, all of our actions are driven by our top 2 basic human needs. We can alter our behaviours to meet those needs as well in a healthy, useful way.


If you catch yourself taking left path, falling back into bad behaviours, reverting back to those negative beliefs,  ask yourself the following questions:


1.What would be the costs of my limiting beliefs,  my internal conflicts (or bad habits) if you wouldn’t change them?


2.How could you possibly hurt the people you love in the future by taking this path?


3.How will this affect your future life?


When you take the right path ask yourself the following questions:


1.What are your new empowering patterns and beliefs?


2.How will your life evolve?


3.How will your personal life change for the better?


This tool can be life-changing by applying it and it has transformed the lives of thousands of people already. It is so powerful because of the fact that you can experience your “future-YOU”, feel the pain involved in it and decide based on your new wisdom how to change it!


On the call, I am going to take you through the Dicken`s process using a visualization technique to help you take your inner conflicts, change the feeling and behaviour and help you reverse your limiting, inner conflicts. 


So, good news, we are doing your homework together on the call, insert happy dance here.  This week is a hands on experience that will hopefully help you make some serious shifts in your life. 


Head on over to your homework section, print it off and you will be ready for the call :)



what is the dicken`s process?

"Believe in your future self."

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