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 Introducing SAS. 

SAS is 3 months of Money Making Challenges to 3X your results.

The 90 Day Mentorship Group Program

This is not a “mastermind”. This is not a sit, be coached and ask a couple of questions kinda thing.

We’re sharing our simple but strategic SAS system that focuses on 3 key elements. 


SELF-CARE as a business strategy includes covering:

  • Boundaries with clients and yourself (wink, wink)

  • How to take vacation…and still make money 

  • Paying yourself, even if you feel like you can’t 

  • How to shut off your brain and actually enjoy the life and business you are building


ATTRACTION: because you don’t have a business without clients includes: 

  • Confidence and the energetics that’s required to sell and show up 

  • How to stand out in your market (hello branding) 

  • How to build a community of eager buyers  

  • How to find the clients, but just not any client, your dream clients

  • How to get known as the go-to expert in your industry (little secret, it doesn’t actually mean you have to be an expert)


SELLING: because you don’t have a business if you aren’t selling, includes:

  • Fine tuning your product suite/services to make sure they are resonating with your peeps 

  • Creating offers that sell themselves 

  • Learning how to sell confidently with the knowledge you already have.

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So here’s the deal…you want to make a difference - duh. 


But there seems to be something missing and you have a feeling in your gut telling you, “it’s time”. 


Time to…

  • Stop being tied to your phone 24/7.

  • Stop creating content all the freaking time and not seeing the results you want - argh so frustrating.

  • Burn the f*cking rule book.

  • Stop pretending you have imposter syndrome. You don’t. 

  • Feel as confident as Snoop Dogg on a Sunday afternoon.

  • Do the “scary” shit (hint: it’s not actually that scary…what’s scary is staying where you are a year from now).

  • Stop doing it all yourself. Full disclosure: we’ve both worked a LOT on this one.

  • Get. More. Visible. 

  • Make the dolla bills. 


And if you want to collapse time around your goals, stop spinning your wheels, and GET the results you want - not the ones you just dream of - let’s do this together.  


But the question is, are you going to pull a seat up to the table? 

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  • You’re motivated one day, and the next day binge watching Real Housewives. 


  • You’re busting your butt for a whopping salary of $0. 


  • You’re working a lot. And when you’re not, you’re thinking about work. 


  • Your pricing feels like it needs a major overhaul.


  • You’re wondering how people seem to stand out in such a saturated space. 


  • You’re comparing yourself - and it’s draining you.


  • You know what you are capable of, so why aren’t you just doing the damn thing?! 


  • You’ve been stuck at a plateau in your business and you’re ready to make more cash.


  • You’re doing a lot of things yourself, because no one can do it as good as you…🤦‍♀️


  • You have big plans and dreams, but damn those days just escape you.

So our question to you is this…


If you had two coaches who know their shit, gotta whole lotta no b.s. coaching, other women who were ready to go all in and help you walk the walk, what would happen?

Welcome to SAS

3 months. 3 Money Making Challenges. 3X times your results.


SAS will help you…


  1. Feel LIT UP in your business.

  2. Attract AMAZING, “light you up” kinda clients! 


  4. Become the most confident leader and woman you know. 

  5. Be excited AF about your pricing and packages/services.

  6. Have a clear plan of action that feels EXCITING, no more doing things because you “should” and hustlin’ all the time.

  7. Get the support you need so everything doesn’t fall on your shoulders.

  8. Feel so good about money that you swear you are Jerry Maguire… “Show Me The MONEY!”

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Why, we’re happy to share!

What is SAS?

A 90 day, high-touch, hybrid 1:1 + group experience providing you with high-level business & mindset coaching,  accountability to help you walk- the-walk, and next level support from your SAS sisters.


PLUS the most EPIC system to keep you focused on the money making activities that are going to give you the greatest growth in 90 days - hellllllo BIG results, ‘cause around here we know the magic is in the walk, not the talk. 




We get this party started on September 19th and go right through to December.


Afterall, September is the new January.



We’re here for a good time, not a long time - only three months. (tell me you didn’t start singing that song…).



SAS is a 90-day commitment with the option to renew when the 90 days is complete (and trust us, you’re gonna want to renew).

 What is included? 

1 x Kick Off Virtual Party

(Monday Sept 19th at 2pm NST/12:30pm EST)

We want to ensure you get the chance to connect with everyone right from the beginning, so we’ll kick off with a virtual party where we’ll make sure you get to know all the EPIC humans who are joining us


(without the awkward introductions 😐).

1x Q&A Teaching Sesh/Month

Have a question for us?


In addition to the opportunities for coaching on the live calls, once a month you’ll have the opportunity to submit a question, and we’ll record a video with our answers for you to watch or listen at any time.


Voxer is a walkie-talkie communication app that allows you to text, and voice message.


It's like having a coach (or two!) in your back pocket. Monday-Friday you can feel free to share anything at all in our group chat and we check in the group daily to see how we can help and support you. 

(This is a favourite feature for our clients)

2 x Bi-weekly -  “Walk the Walk” Teaching & Activation Calls/Month. 

(every 2nd Wednesday at 2pm NST/12:30pm EST - 90 minutes)

30 minutes of teaching and introducing our SAS system that is designed to give you money making & growth results. This is not just a chat and some coaching thrown in, we are making sure you’re focused on the key growth activities, not just busy work. 

60 minutes of the activation piece and “get shit done”. This is your time to actually solidify your unique money making activities and DO the activities that actually move the needle in your business.

1 x 90 Minute VIP Deep Dive 

You’ll receive a 90-minute deep dive with us to dive into whatever your heart desires. Mapping out programs, mindset work, raising prices...whatever you need - anything goes! This is your time to get feedback for your biggest visions and goals. 


**This is not offered to the general public and is only available in this container**

Monthly EXPERT Trainings 

We have some amazing guests who are joining us to share their expertise in some key areas of business growth. Sales. Copy. Branding. Social Media. We got you.

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The“Cozy Up” Retreat ($3K value) 

Our retreats are truly magical. Be prepared to have an incredible day of transformation and the opportunity to get all hands on deck to support you with mindset, strategy and a plan that sets you up to have a 6-figure year and beyond.

**Exact date and location TBD - will be in Newfoundland**

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Self Study Courses - $2K+ RETAIL PRICE 

When you join you’ll receive access to all of our self-study courses and workshops including the 40 Day Prosperity Program,  Raise Your Rates Workshop, Journal Your Way to Rich, Rock Your Morning Routine Course, Unstoppable Mindset Course,  and Morning Routine Hub.


(note: access is only during the mastermind experience) 

Image by Marten Bjork

The Rich Woman Signature Course - $2K RETAIL PRICE 

If you want to ensure you have a rock solid money mindset, then this is the course for you. This is Emily’s longest standing, signature course that has helped 100’s of women across the world make more money and forgive and release any past money trauma. 

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

The Expansion Formula  - Gina’s Signature Course - $2K RETAIL PRICE 

It’s the tool you want to have in the back pocket of your business. We cover mindset, sales, pricing, essentially ALL the things you need to create a formula of success that fits YOU and YOUR business.

See ya later one size fits all approaches, you want a business (and life that works for YOU!) 

Image by Brooke Lark


3-HOUR VIP Deep Dive & Business Audit - $3K Retail Price


Screw 90 minutes…you’ll get 3 HOURS of coaching with us if you’re one of the first 5 people to sign up. These deep dive sessions are the bees knees (do bees even have knees?). They are always a client favourite. 


This is going to be an INCREDIBLE asset for your business. You get to pick 2 areas of your choice for us to look over and give suggestions around. 


(Social media, Product suite, Email Copy & Strategy, Money Making Tasks, Money Mindset) 

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